iklan atas

If you have search on google anabling rewrite and try it. But it's still doesn't work, i'll tell you how to anabling it. :D
Today i have the same case with all of you guys. But, alhamdulillaah i read from another blog how to real anabling it.

In my case, i use Linux Varian Parrot OS. I use it because it has tools to scanning bugs in my sites. Ok, let's begin.

Open  your terminal, and enter the following command:

$ sudo a2enmod rewrite

Is that work? No, because it's the same methode that you have try. So, go to the next command:

$ sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

And you must to Change AllowOverride value to be "All". In this case i use sublime text to edit. You can see what i have done and save it:

So, we go to the final step.

$ sudo service apache2 restart

So, after you restart you apache service it shloud work like me.
Ok, see you again at the another article. :D

